Lean bulk
However, more important than the timing of the post-workout meal is that you eat a meal at all. Going a long time without eating after a workout is not advisable. This would negatively affect your muscle growth and, in the worst case, even lead to muscle loss.
In the long run, by doing this you'll build muscle with much less body fat than you would in a bulk with a very high calorie surplus. Calculate your calories, train hard, and keep the calculated moderate calorie surplus constant. If after two weeks you have not gained weight on a weekly average, increase your calories by 150 cal by eating about 37.5 g more carbohydrates.
If you are a relatively thin person with a low body fat percentage and have not gained weight after two weeks, you can increase your calories by 250 cal by eating about 62.5 g more carbohydrates.
However, if your weight gain is more than 0.5-1% in a month, you should adjust your calories downward. In this case, reduce your calorie intake by 150 cal. In addition, make sure your protein intake is at least 0.9 g per pound of body weight.
A lean bulk has a significant advantage in that you do not put on very much fat very quickly. Thus you can make your muscle-building phase longer without considering a diet if your goal is to stay lean. In the best-case scenario, you will put on as little fat as possible during your bulk. However, it is almost impossible to put on no fat at all.
If, after a certain period, you have put on too much fat for your liking, you can do a cut. Often a mini cut, i.e. a challenging but short cut over a few weeks, is sufficient because you put on less fat while lean bulking than you would while doing a classic bulk.
Furthermore, you should train hard to achieve progression in your training. Progressive training with a slight calorie surplus and an optimal macronutrient distribution will help to ensure effective muscle building.