Alpha Progression
Building muscle with only barbell exercises

Building muscle with only barbell exercises

To build muscle you don't necessarily need a lot of machines or dumbbells. One barbell is enough to build significant muscle. If you train in your home gym, it's almost impossible to have countless training tools anyway.

In today's article we will explore a great workout plan for beginners. With this, you can effectively build muscle using only barbell exercises.

Workout planning

This training plan was created using the Alpha Progression App.

We have selected the experience level "Beginner" and the gender "Male." The equipment consists of a barbell, an adjustable bench, and a squat rack.

You complete a medium-length workout 3 times a week. No muscle groups are focused or neglected. This way you build up your different muscle groups evenly as a beginner. The plan duration is 6 weeks. You can also train longer with this plan.

Your training plan

Structure of the plan
Trainingsplan für Anfänger

The plan is a full body hybrid plan. That is, you train your whole body twice a week and your upper body once a week.

Don't forget to do warm-up sets. The Alpha Progression app shows you exactly how many warm-up sets you should perform, with how much weight and how many reps. By doing this, you will reduce the risk of injury and your muscles will be more resilient.

Day 1: Full body

  1. 3x6 rep squats
  2. 4x6 rep Romanian deadlift
  3. 3x6 rep incline bench press
  4. 3x6 rep bent-over single-arm wide-grip rows
  5. 3x10 rep seal rows with underhand grip
  6. 4x12 rep upright rows
  7. 4x12 rep standing calf raises

The first training session starts with squats. With this exercise you train your quads and glutes. Your lower back, abs, and calves will also be lightly targeted.

Pay attention to the following when doing squats:

  • The bar rests on your traps.
  • Use the tightest possible grip.
  • Keep your wrists straight.
  • Stand at shoulder width (or slightly wider).
  • Point your toes slightly outward.
  • Your feet and knees point in the same direction.
  • Keep your back straight or slightly rounded.
  • Your heels remain on the floor.
  • Your upper body remains as upright as possible throughout the movement.
  • Ideally: use flat shoes or shoes with elevated heels.

You'll move your body down as low as possible and then back up to the starting position.

The second exercise is the Romanian deadlift. This exercise focuses on the hamstrings.

Pay attention to the following when doing Romanian deadlifts:

  • Use a shoulder-wide stance.
  • Keep the bar in line above the center of your foot.
  • Point your feet and knees in the same direction.
  • Grip the bar at about shoulder width.
  • Extend your arms.
  • Face your palms inward / face one inward and one outward.
  • Pull your shoulders downwards.
  • Keep your head in line with the spine.
  • Keep your back straight or slightly arched.

In the start position your body is upright and your legs are very slightly bent.

By pushing your hips backward, you move the bar down in a line over the center of your feet until your hamstrings are maximally stretched.

By moving your hips forward, you move the bar back to the start position.

The next exercise, the incline bench press, will primarily target your chest.

Pay attention to the following when doing the incline bench press:

  • Use a bench angle of about 40°.
  • Plant your feet firmly on the floor or only use the ball of your foot.
  • Grip the bar at around 1.5x shoulder width.
  • Keep your wrists straight.
  • Pull your shoulders back and down.
  • Keep your back slightly arched.
  • During the execution, keep your upper arms at a 45° angle to your torso.

In the starting position, your arms should be extended or slightly bent. Lower the bar to the top of your sternum and then push it all the way back up.

Next, work out your upper back with the bent-over single-arm wide-grip row.

Pay attention to the following when doing bent-over single-arm wide-grip rows:

  • Fix the bar in a corner or use a "landmine" setup.
  • Use a shoulder-wide stance.
  • Point your palms backwards.
  • Keep the upper body as parallel to the floor as possible.
  • Keep your lower back straight.
  • Keep your legs slightly bent.
  • Point your feet and knees in the same direction.

Grasp the top of the bar with one hand. With your upper arm pointing outward, bring the bar all the way up and pull your shoulder back. This will ensure a full contraction. Return the bar to the starting position by lowering it and bringing your shoulder forward.

The next exercise for your upper back is seal rows with an underhand grip.

Pay attention to the following for seal rows with an underhand grip:

  • Hold the bar with your arms outstretched.
  • Use a shoulder wide grip.
  • Face your palms forward.
  • Always keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor.

In this exercise you lie down on the bench facing the ground. In the starting position your arms are extended and your shoulders point forward.

Move the bar as high as possible towards your belly button and pull your shoulders back. Then lower the bar back down to the starting position and bring your shoulders forward again.

Next come the upright rows, which will train your lateral delts.

Pay attention to the following when upright rowing:

  • Keep your body upright.
  • Keep your grip to shoulder width or narrower.
  • Do not raise your upper arms more than 90°.

Bring your upper arms up until they form a 90° angle with the torso. Then return your upper arms to the starting position in a controlled manner.

The last exercise of the first training session is the standing calf raise.

Pay attention to the following when doing standing calf raises:

  • Rest the bar on your traps.
  • Use the tightest possible grip.
  • Use a shoulder wide or slightly narrower stance.
  • Only elevate the balls of the feet.
  • Bend your body slightly forward.
  • Keep the legs extended throughout the exercise.

In the starting position, your body is so far down that your calf muscles are stretched to the maximum. By extending your feet, you push your body up as far as possible and then lower it back down to the starting position.

Day 2: Upper body

  1. 4x6 rep bench press
  2. 3x6 rep standing shoulder press
  3. 4x8 rep seal rows
  4. 3x12 rep pullovers on the bench
  5. 3x10 rep dips on the bench
  6. 3x12 rep spider curls

The second training session begins with the bench press.

Pay attention to the following when bench pressing:

  • Place the entirety of your foot or just the ball of the foot on the floor.
  • Use a grip of around 1.5x shoulder width.
  • Keep your wrists straight.
  • Pull your shoulders back and down.
  • Keep your back slightly arched.
  • During the execution, your upper arms should be at a 45° angle to your torso.

This exercise is performed almost exactly like the incline bench press. However, the bench remains straight and the bar is lowered onto the lower part of the sternum rather than the upper part.

With the standing shoulder press you primarily train your anterior delts.

Pay attention to the following when doing the standing shoulder press:

  • Use around a 1.5x shoulder width grip.
  • Keep your wrists as straight as possible.
  • Pull your shoulders back and down.
  • Keep your back straight or slightly arched.
  • Tighten your abs and glutes.
  • Keep your elbows permanently in line under the bar.

In the starting position, the bar touches the upper part of your sternum.

Press the bar up close to your face, in a straight line if possible. As you do so, bring your head forward under the bar. Then lower the bar back to the start position and push your head back slightly.

The third exercise is seal rows.

Look for the following in seal rows:

  • Move the bar with your arms outstretched.
  • Use a shoulder wide grip.
  • Point your palms backwards.
  • Keep your forearms permanently perpendicular to the floor.

The execution is identical to the seal rows with underhand grip. However, your palms face backward and not forward.

Next come the bench pullovers, which will train your lats.

Pay attention to the following when doing bench pullovers:

  • Rest your upper back on the bench.
  • Use a shoulder wide grip.
  • Slightly bend your arms.
  • Keep your back straight or slightly arched.
  • Keep your torso stationary throughout the movement.

The bar is in the starting position in a line above your neck. Move the bar backward until your lats are fully stretched. Then bring the bar forward again to the start position.

The bench dips train your triceps.

Pay attention to the following when doing dips on the bench:

  • The distance between the elevations is about ¾ of your height.
  • Hold your arms close to the torso.
  • Clasp the edge of the back bench with your hands.
  • Place your heels on the front bench.
  • Pull your shoulders back and down.

Place two benches with similar heights parallel to each other.

Lower your body until your shoulders are at about elbow height and push yourself back up to the starting position. If the exercise becomes too easy for you over time, you can place weight plates or similar on your legs as additional weight.

With the last exercise, the spider curls, you train your biceps.

Here's what to watch for with spider curls:

  • The angle of the backrest should be about 20 °.
  • Use a shoulder wide grip.
  • Execute the movement in a controlled manner.
  • Only move the forearms when performing the motion.

Lie on the bench facing down so that your chin is at the top of the backrest. In the starting position, your arms should point vertically downward and your palms should be facing forward. Raise the bar all the way up in a controlled manner without swinging and then lower it back down to the starting position.

Day 3: Full body

  1. 4x6 rep deadlift
  2. 3x8 rep front squat
  3. 3x10 rep pullovers on the bench
  4. 3x8 rep bench press
  5. 3x10 rep curls
  6. 3x12 rep skullcrushers
  7. 4x12 rep sit-ups

The first exercise of the last training session is the deadlift.

Pay attention to the following when doing deadlifts:

  • Use a shoulder wide stance.
  • The bar should be in line above the center of your foot.
  • Point your feet and knees in the same direction.
  • Grip the bar at around shoulder width.
  • Extend your arms.
  • Face your palms inward / face one forward and one backward.
  • Pull your shoulders downward.
  • Keep your head in line with your spine.
  • Keep your back straight or slightly arched.

The execution here will be similar to that of the Romanian deadlift. However, your legs are not bent and your body is not upright.

Instead, you move your glutes down until your back is straight or slightly arched. Your starting position is now lower than in the Romanian deadlift.

Before the actual movement begins, grip the bar firmly to build up tension. This is followed by pushing your hips forward and backward.

After that you do front squats.

Pay attention to the following when doing front squats:

  • Rest the bar on your anterior delts.
  • Cross your arms.
  • Touch the bar with your fingertips.
  • Alternatively: use a weightlifting grip.
  • Stand at shoulder width (or slightly wider).
  • Point your toes slightly outward.
  • Point your feet and knees in the same direction.
  • Keep your back straight or slightly arched.
  • Keep your heels on the floor.
  • Ideally: use flat shoes or shoes with heel elevation.

Unlike with normal squats, you don't place the bar on your traps, but rather on your anterior delts. To do this, cross your arms or use the more challenging weightlifting grip.

The third and fourth exercises are bench pullovers and the bench press (info on how to do them can be found above).

You will then train your biceps with barbell curls.

Pay attention to the following when doing curls:

  • Use a shoulder wide grip.
  • Perform the full range of motion without swinging.
  • The movement should all be in the forearms.

In the starting position, your arms should be extended and your palms should face forward. Guide the bar all the way up without swinging and lower it again in a controlled manner.

Next come the skullcrushers.

Pay attention to the following when doing skullcrushers:

  • Place your entire foot or only the ball of the foot on the floor.
  • Keep your glutes on the bench.
  • Use a shoulder wide grip.
  • Keep your wrists straight.
  • Keep your upper arms pointing up vertically.
  • Hold your arms as close to parallel as possible.
  • The movement should come entirely from the forearms.

The bar should be in a line above your shoulders. Lower the bar almost to your forehead and then press it back to the starting position.

Finish out the workout with sit-ups.

Pay attention to the following when doing sit-ups:

  • Keep your feet on the ground.
  • Use a full range of motion without using momentum.

Fix your feet on the floor and bring your upper back as close as possible to your knees until your upper body is perpendicular to the floor. Then move your upper back back to the start position.

Use the barbell training plan with your Alpha Progression app or create yourself a new plan with the plan generator.


With the Alpha Progression App you can easily create your own training plan. Set up the basics and plan your workout. You don't need much equipment. You can get great results with just a barbell. If necessary, you can use tools such as a bench or squat rack.

This sample plan is also available for you. Download the training plan to your Alpha Progression app and complete a medium-length workout 3 times a week.